Welcome to the Franklin Central Bands Store
Detergent Fundraiser 2025
FC Bands Laundry Detergent (and more) Fundraiser
Products Available:
- 5 Gallon Laundry Bucket with pump
- Laundry Sheets
- Fabric Softener with pump
- Laundry Paks
- Scent Beads
- Liquid Dish Soap
- Dishwasher Paks
- Trash Bags
Payment & Order Deadline (Online orders only):
- Online Orders & Online Payment Due: Midnight of Sunday, February 23.
Online Order Details:
- The FC Band students will earn $10 per item sold money towards their band accounts.
- Students/parents may collect orders utilizing the paper order form, if they wish. All orders must then be entered online.
- Orders will arrive approximately 2 weeks after the deadline.
Item Delivery:
Students will pick up orders to distribute to their supporters.
Products available:
Student Name or FC Bands for Delivery
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